I'm proud of the index, which I did myself.
Aaron, John, xiv, xxii, 496-497, 499, 583
ABC Board (Alcoholic Beverage Control), 95, 102-
104, 115, 119, 127-129
Abramoff , Jack, 509-510, 535, 548-549
Abrams, Dan, xii, 338, 365, 505-507, 527, 531,
566, 573, 580-581, 585-586, 588-591, 594,
615-616, 620, 626, 627
Abrams, Robert, xiv, 517, 591, 615, 618, 626
Abramson, Jill, 504
Access Group, 426
ACTV, 213
Adams, Brooks, 311
Adams, John, 215-216
Adams, Martin, 628
Adams, Tim, 433, 462, 608, 611
ADECA, xi, 88, 95-96, 101-104, 110, 112, 115-
117, 119, 126, 128, 129, 152-3, 209, 218,
227, 317, 327-329, 360, 378, 411, 439
ADEM, 79, 84-85, 91, 147, 311
Advanced Systems Design (ASD), 140, 191-192,
211, 215-217, 219
AFS Equities, xi, 96, 254, 266, 273, 391
Alabama Bar Association, 264, 321
Alabama Bridge Builders Inc., 59
Alabama Crime Victims Compensation
Commission, 269
Alabama Department of Economic and Community
Affairs (See, ADECA)
Alabama Department of Environmental
Management (See, ADEM)
Alabama Fair Campaign Practices Act, 7, 297, 305, 411
Alabama Fire College, 375-376, 378, 385
Alabama National Guard, 5, 22, 85, 329, 399
Alabama Democratic Party, x, 6, 8, 15, 27, 37, 40-
42, 94, 270, 282, 285, 291-295, 299-300,
302-304, 321, 340, 354, 359, 388, 398, 416,
505, 612-613, 618, 622
Alabama Development Office, 57, 62-63, 71, 73
Alabamians for Economic Development, 42, 283,
284, 285, 287-288, 307
Alabama Department of Examiners of Public
Accounts, 353-354, 356
Alabama Department of Human Resources (Also,
DHR), 140, 216-217, 219, 224
Alabama Department of Public Safety, 19, 191-192,
209, 214-218, 352
Alabama Department of Revenue, ix, 18-19, 233, 235,
236, 237-243, 279, 306, 307, 314, 436-437
Alabama Ethics Commission, x, xvii, 10, 12, 87, 89,
93, 161, 165, 169, 175, 178, 204, 206, 252,
260, 265, 315, 318-321, 323, 401, 633
Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors,
71, 72, 107, 273
Alabama Poison Center, 385
Alabama Police Officers Annuity & Benefit Fund,
267-26, 269
Alabama Power, 75, 217, 312, 358, 451-453, 621
Alabama Republican Party, 196, 320, 492, 579-580
Alabama Roadbuilders Association, 334
Alabama Sheriff s Association, 172, 188, 211, 325,
357, 439
Alabama State Docks, 24, 42, 96, 144, 147, 157,
171, 174, 424
Alabama Statehouse, 3, 75, 135, 137, 139, 194
Alabama Supercomputer Authority, 217-218
Alabama Supreme Court, 14, 23, 25, 165, 200, 253,
278, 287, 319, 340-341, 347-348, 349, 485,
505, 603, 605
Alabama Waste Disposal Solutions, 80
Alabama Water and Wastewater Institute, 287
Al.Com, 214, 218, 266-267, 269, 635
Alacourt, 89, 170-174, 254, 258, 436, 470, 633
Alamerica Bank, 95
Alexander, James, 192
Alexander Strategy Group, 510
Alexandrovna, Larisa, 545, 562-563, 566, 626
Alfa, 23, 283, 304, 306-314, 358
Allen charge, 457
Allen, Jim, xi, 21-22, 397, 400, 441, 442-450
Allen, Richard, 165, 304-305, 538
Allen, Lori (see Lori Siegelman)
Allison, Bobby, 31
Amen Corner, 394, 514
Amendment One, 274, 284, 419
Americans for Tax Reform, 359
American Lawyer, 486, 621
American Trucking Association, 277-278, 345, 578
AmSouth Bank, 267
Amy, Jeff , 125, 150, 180, 195-196, 209, 216, 279,
284, 334, 383, 633
Andress, Twinkle, 510
Andrews, Benton, 64
Andrews, C.E., 216
Andrews, James, 29
Andrews, Keith, 60-64, 68-70, 215
Andrews, Rip, ix, xvi, 49, 76, 104, 111, 113, 115,
118-119, 126, 155-156, 174, 183-190, 194,
199-200, 202, 208, 220, 236, 252, 258-259,
267, 269, 273, 275-277, 281, 291, 293, 295-
296, 302, 315, 320-323, 330, 332-334, 339,
341, 349, 352, 358, 379, 445, 567, 621
Anniston Star, 505, 543, 595
Armstrong, Marc, 378
Arrington, Richard, 381
Ashcroft, John, 510
Associated Press, xi, 8, 10, 18, 39, 45, 60, 87, 152-
153, 161-162, 219, 221, 228, 244, 246, 252,
258, 265, 285, 328, 336-337, 350-351, 359,
401, 487, 501, 503, 518, 530-531, 541, 549,
568, 573, 575, 577, 582, 591, 598, 615, 634
Auburn University Board of Trustees, 246, 333
Auburn Villager, 468-469
Austin, Al, 140
Austin, Claire, ix, xviii, 86-87, 100-102, 127, 135-
137, 235, 240, 379, 539
Austin & Young Capital Resources, 86, 87, 235
Azbell, David, 52, 332, 335, 351
Bach, Joel, 575
Bailey, Jake, 13
Bailey, Nick, ix, xi, xvii-xviii, 11, 13, 21, 25, 27-28, 33,
37-43, 45, 65-66, 76-78, 85-87, 95-105, 107-116,
118-120, 124, 126-127, 134, 143, 147-149, 152-
154, 157-160, 162, 181, 194-195, 226-227, 230-
231, 237, 240-242, 249, 266, 268, 270-271, 278-
280, 295, 299, 302, 307, 311, 329, 335, 351-352,
354-356, 359-361, 363, 369, 377, 379, 384, 386-
387, 400, 405-412, 415, 417, 420-429, 431-432,
434-437, 440, 453-454, 456, 460, 462, 504, 507,
519, 555, 569-570, 608-609, 611-614, 621, 625
Bailey, Shane, 103, 112, 116
Baker, Keith, xiii, 454, 462, 627
Baldwin County votes/2002 election,, 326, 336-339,
403, 507, 592
Balogh, Vicki, 286, 302-303
Bama Concrete Products, 306, 314
Barr, Phillip, 363
Barringer, Felicity, 199
Barron, Lowell, 24, 326, 333, 448-449
Barrow, Bill, 158, 185, 292, 302, 320, 332, 355-366,
399, 410, 415, 461, 633
Barr, Phillip, 363
Barton Academy, 4
Bass, Ray, 447
Bass, Robert, 574-575
Baxley, Bill, 15, 387, 412-413, 451, 453
Baxley, Lucy, xii, xiii, 42-43, 357, 398-399, 418-419,
Beam, Aaron, 29
Beasley Allen, 181
Beasley, Jere, 14, 24, 85, 94-95, 164, 178, 181, 253
Beck, George, 227, 360, 407, 424-425
Bedford, Roger, xii, 152-153, 213, 227, 316-317
Begich, Mark, 548
Bell, Raymond, 321
Bennett, Jim, 307
Beyerle, Dana, xi, 60, 221, 224, 348-349
Big Spring Herald, 17
Big Tobacco, 162-64, 166-167, 315, 518
Big Wheel Case, 389
Birmingham News, xi, xxvi, 21, 24, 49-50, 66, 139,
141, 153-154, 180. 196-197, 202, 207-208,
212-215, 218-220, 222-223, 236, 227, 231,
240, 244, 252, 257, 259, 266-267, 269, 273-
275, 279, 282, 284, 294, 309, 315-317, 336,
348, 350, 352, 358, 363, 365, 367, 382, 384,
387, 391, 426, 472, 488, 496, 501, 508-509,
541-542, 552, 594-596, 598-599, 615, 624
Birmingham Post-Herald, 9
Birmingham Times, 396
Birmingham Weekly, xii, 624
Bishop, Charles, 326
Blackledge, Brett, xi, xxvi, 49, 154, 211, 213-215,
218-219, 222-223,227, 254, 266, 269, 271,
273, 275, 284, 291, 317-318, 385, 486-487,
497, 541, 550-551, 629
Blakey, Robert, xiii, 429, 457, 513
Blanco, Kathleen, 399
Bloggers, 494, 506, 543-545, 567, 574-575, 609,
618, 625
Blount, Bill, ix, 48, 88, 94-98, 108, 119, 121, 126,
129, 131-134, 148-149, 278, 435, 439.440,
Blount, Parrish & Co., 94, 97, 108, 119, 121, 123-
124, 131-133, 622
Blount, Winton, 22
Bobo, Phillip, xi, 25, 253, 350, 375-380, 382-385,
390, 392, 503, 511, 528, 530-531, 533, 571
Bollinger, Mark, xiv, xxii, 494-497, 499, 508-10,
522, 582
Bolton, Joshua, 590
Boone, Dan, 289
Bowden, Ron, 241
Bowdre, Karen, 380, 395-396
Brackin, Jeanne, 633
Braswell, Walter, 350
Brazeal, Ellis, ix, 91-92, 122, 165, 235-240, 242
Brennan, Jack, xiii, 122, 462
Bright, Bobby, 154
Bronner, David, 21, 25
Broderick, Brian, ix, 95, 103, 105-108, 110, 126, 273
Broderick-Sokol, Sam, 522
Bronson, Howard, xi, xvi-xvii, 135, 137-138, 185,
190, 194, 197, 206, 211-212, 355
Brown, Jess, 42
Buddy Jones Excavation, 78
Buffett, Jimmy, 23
BusinessWeek, 394
Buttram, Dean, 392
Bryce, James, 192
Buckalew, Jim, ix, xvii, 135, 154, 185, 187, 189-190,
192-193, 195-196, 200, 209, 296
Bud’s, 135, 137-138, 415, 437
Burk-Kleinpeter, 443, 445
Burkhalter, Dollie, 633
Business Council of Alabama (BCA), 14, 32, 96, 278
Bush, George H.W., 277, 603, 609
Bush, George W., xiv, xxv, 17, 43, 278, 292, 332-
333, 336, 402, 506, 528, 548, 573-575, 579,
582, 588, 602
Butts, Jimmy, 19-20
Butts, Terry, xiii, xxi, xxiv-xxv, 33, 341-345, 347, 349,
350, 403, 406, 445, 460, 463, 467, 541, 572, 592
C&H Investments, 116-117, 130, 281
Café Louisa, 415, 461
Compass Bank, 422
Cahaba Trace Commission, 260
Camber Corp., 143, 145-146, 149
Campagna, Charles, ix, 79, 240, 242, 351
Campbell, David, 94, 98-99
Campbell, Richard, 273
Canary, Bill, xiv, xxiv-xxv, 51, 272, 275-278, 280,
342-348, 350, 390, 418, 487-488, 492, 496,
498, 500, 501-502, 503, 507-508, 510, 515,
517, 520, 529, 533-534, 536-537, 542, 567,
569, 571, 578-579, 592, 600, 603, 620
Canary, Leura, xiii, xxiii, xxv, 51, 272, 273-278, 280-
281, 342, 350, 361, 386-387, 390, 399, 418,
487-488, 498, 500, 502, 507-508, 515, 517,
520-521, 533-534, 542, 567, 569, 571, 578,
600, 620, 628
C&H Investments, 116-117, 130, 281
Capital City Consultants, 20
Capstone Health Services, 377-379, 385
Carmichael, Leon, 403
Carr, Rob, 45
Carroll, John, 477
Carville, James, 13, 155
Cason, Mike, 331, 333, 352
Cassady, Joe, 560
Castano Group, 163
Castille, Ed, 67
Catalanello, Rebecca, 230
Caylor, John, 497, 626
CDG Engineers, 47, 87, 96, 100, 110, 112, 115,
116, 121-122, 128, 230, 440
Certifi cate of Need and Review Board (Also, CON
board), 33, 34, 37, 246, 311, 313, 408, 432-
433, 451, 561, 569-570, 608, 611-612
Chandler, Kim, xi, xxvi, 49, 154, 213-215, 218-219,
222-223, 227, 254, 266-267, 269, 271, 273,
284, 291, 322, 387-388, 391, 486, 508, 510,
541, 596, 629
Channel One, 510
Chemical Waste Management, 7, 234-236, 239, 331
Cherokee County (landfi ll and scandals), ix, xix, 79-
80, 84-85, 89, 92, 386, 389-393, 417, 438-439
Cherry Givens (also, Cherry, Givens, Peters Lockett
and Diaz.....), x, 161-164, 166, 168-182, 200-
201, 206, 227, 315-316, 321-325, 401
Chez Soiree, 30, 587
Childers, Larry, 10-11, 101, 209, 327
Childree, Bob, 633
Children’s First, 24
Cleghorn, John, 634
Clemon, Arnese, 381
Clemon, U.W., 376, 380-385, 528, 528
Cline, Darren, x, 28, 32, 37-38, 430-431, 621
Clinton, Bill, xxii, 3-6, 13, 155, 278, 380, 381, 487,
507, 545, 610, 630
Cloos, Paul, xi, 48, 123, 147, 150-151, 161-162,
191-193, 197, 200, 231, 251, 257, 284-286,
290, 293-296, 302, 308, 319, 375, 410, 633
Cloverdale, 106, 261, 415, 461
Old Cloverdale Association, 261
Cohen, Adam, xii, 326, 338, 368, 503-504, 573,
592, 603
Cole, Ray, 144-145
Collins, Alan, 461
Colonial Bank, 40-41, 79, 270, 301-301, 305, 333
Colorado MEDtech, 266, 271
Colsa, 216
Compass Bank, 422
Compean, Jose, 629-630
Comptroller’s Offi ce, 77, 89, 108-110, 146, 174,
246, 352, 633
Conference of Western Attorneys General, 354, 518
Connors, Marty, 196
ContemptForRove.com, 591
Conyers, John, xiv, xxiv-xxv, 276, 366, 517-518,
541, 547, 590-591, 597-598, 600, 610, 617,
619, 622-623, 627
Conyers, Monica, 622-623
Coody, Charles, 43, 587
Coogler, Scott, 382
Cooper, Melvin, 10, 319
Copeland, Susan, ix, 90-91, 95, 110, 238
Crain, Beth, 437-438
Crawford, Johnny, 87, 214, 235, 442
Crowe, J.D., iv, 53, 527, 364, 366-367, 369, 600
Crozier, Barbara, 164
Crozier vs. American Tobacco, 164-166, 178, 315-
316, 321
Cumberland Law School, 477
Cunningham Bounds, 253
Cunningham, Bobo, 253
Cunningham, Cheryl, 49, 159-160
Cunningham, Harris & Associates, 28
Cunningham, J.C., 49, 159-160
Cunningham, Jim, 28, 40
Cunningham, Randall “Duke,” 549
Cunningham, Todd, 49, 159-160
Curran, Bud, 634
Curran, Eddie, xv-xx, 16-21; 43, 58-78, 81-82; 87-93,
96. 100-142, 144-152, 154, 155-158, 160-162;
168-215; 217, 221-225; 229-232; 235-241;
244-270, 279, 283-314; 316, 319-325; 327-333,
346-348, 352-258, 361, 375; 388; 399-402, 406,
409, 413, 415, 436, 445, 451-455, 458, 461,
470-473, 486, 489, 485, 500, 504, 507, 512,
519-520, 536, 538, 544-546, 553-565, 567, 575-
583, 585, 592-597, 607, 627, 629-635
Curran, Eleanor, v, 16, 100, 196, 634
Curran, Eva, v, 300, 634
Curran, Greg, 120, 634
Curran, Jana, v, 18, 375, 634
Curran, Jerry (author’s son), v, 18, 189, 300, 375
Curran, Jerry (author’s father), 4, 545, 634
Daily Beast, 506, 621
Daily Kos, 545
Dallas County Line, 30-31, 51, 624
Danborn, Joe, 185, 336
Daniel, Frank, 352
Dare, Austin, 78
Davis, Artur, xiv, 546, 550, 566, 585, 592, 593, 598
Davis, Eddie, 112, 117
Dease, Doris, 269
Deen, Jeff , xiii, 147, 402, 405, 409-410, 415, 416-
417, 437, 452, 454-455
DeBray, Tom, 234-235, 239
Decatur Daily, 543, 597, 629
Denton, Ponder & Edwards, 110, 115, 121
deGraff enried, Ryan, 14
DeLay, Tom, 215, 510, 547, 572
Delta Kappa Epsilon, 5
deMahy, Tom, 69
Democratic National Committee, 522
DeMonia, Robin, xi, 139
Dent, Rick, 213
Denton, Jeremiah, 7
Diamond, Neil, 31
Dickstein Shapiro, 324
Digital One Services, 191-192, 215, 217-219
Dimitry, Doug, 634
Distelheim, Joe, 199, 209
Divine Favor Gospel Magazine, 472
Dix, Karl, 525
Dobbs, Lou, 629
Domenici, Pete, 491, 604
Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette, 255-256
DonSiegelman.Org, 346, 591-592, 625-626, 635
Dorman, Richard, x, 285, 287-289, 298, 302, 307
Doss Aviation, 496-497, 523-525, 529, 553, 558-
561, 614
Drago, Chip, 634
Drake, Jack, x, 164-165, 176-178, 315, 321
Drummond Company, 358
Drummond, Garry Neil, 358
Duncan, Don, 495
Duncan, Priscilla, 493, 495, 522, 575, 580, 594, 623
Eagerton, Ralph, 19
Earnhardt, Dale, 85
Eat Beat, 16-17
Edmiston, Grady, 343-344, 348
Edmondson, J.L., 608
Edmund Pettis Bridge, 610
Edwards, Edwin, 516
Ehinger, John, 490, 595, 597
11th Circuit Court of Appeals, 41, 380, 382, 384, 403,
429, 434, 476, 481, 485, 504, 528, 584-585,
587-588, 597, 607, 609, 611-616, 619, 626, 628
Elkind, Peter, 32
Ellard Construction, 59, 78
Emelle landfi ll, 7, 83, 233-243, 306, 360, 391, 400,
436-437, 441, 449, 454, 462, 596
Emond & Vines, 262
Emerald Mountain Parkway, 442
English, Dewey, xi, 151, 197, 231, 633
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 83, 233
EPM Constructors, 59-65, 67-70, 72-3, 77-78, 198,
254, 411
Espy, Joe, 340, 342, 349
Evans, Ben, 549, 568, 573, 575, 582
Evans, Jimmy, 12, 387, 495
Evans, Hugh, 318
Exhibit S, 178, 201-202, 315-316
Fager, Jeff , 575
Fant, Anthony, xi, xxiii, 21, 37-38, 96, 149, 254,
271, 298, 301, 412, 442
Faulk, Dwight, 389
FBI, xiii, 38, 81, 122, 125, 129, 260, 280, 385, 389,
392-394, 417, 420, 423, 447, 454, 462, 472,
508, 538, 539, 551, 587, 624, 627
Feaga, Steve, xii, xxiii, 12, 33, 98-99, 242, 280, 362,
386-388, 390-391, 399, 405-406, 408-410,
421-422, 424-425, 428, 434-436, 449, 453,
476, 478, 497, 508, 511-512, 519-520, 535,
546, 550-551, 569, 587, 615
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 574-575
Federal Highway Administration, 20, 70, 334, 447
Figures, Michael, 164
Finebaum, Paul, 395
First Commercial Bank, 40-41, 285, 305
First National Bank of Brundidge, 95
Fitzpatrick, Joseph, xii, 407
Flynt, Wayne, 359
Folmar, Emory, 154, 247
Folmar, Marian, 247
Forbes, Randy, 546
Ford, Bessie, 244
Folsom, James Jr. “Jim,” xix, 12-13, 15, 274, 357
Forbes, Randy, 546
Fortune, 31-32
Foshee, Crum, 446-447
FOX News, 579-580
Franklin, Cal, 8-11, 13
Franklin, Louis, xii, xv, xxiii, 280, 362, 386-388,
390-390, 399-400, 405-406, 420, 425, 432,
434, 436, 449, 453, 455-456, 479, 481-482,
487-488, 507-508, 511-513, 515-516, 519-
521, 528, 535, 543, 546, 550-551, 569, 587,
615, 621
Frank M. Johnson Federal Courthouse, 388, 405,
412, 555
Freeman, Dewayne, 9, 23, 101-103, 218, 328
Fuhrman, Tim, 122-123, 125
Fuller, Doyle, ix, 90-91, 95, 110, 238
Fuller, Mark, xiii, xiv, xxii, xxiii, 346, 364, 402,
405-409, 414, 417-418, 437, 451, 456-459,
464-466, 468-469, 471-473, 475-482, 487,
490, 495-497, 511-512-515, 519-529, 536,
540-541, 553-562, 567, 583-585, 587, 613-
615, 617, 621, 626, 628-629
Funderburke, Ken, 57-58, 62-63, 73
Gaines, Mark, 228
Gale, Boots, 120, 200, 296-297
Galese, John, 262-264
Gallion, Tommy, 554-555, 563
Gans, Dan, 510
Garrett, Jennifer, xii
Garrett, Si, 487
Garver, Ran, 95, 112-118, 128, 157
Geddie, Bob, 340
Gelber, David, 567-568, 575, 582
George, Mona, 422
G.H. “Goat Hill” Construction, ix, xv, xx, 3, 45-48, 53,
58, 72-73, 76-7, 79, 81-82, 90-102, 103-121,
123-133, 136, 140-141, 145-149, 152-155, 157,
162, 173, 188, 190, 194, 198, 213, 226-227,
229-230, 273-274, 277-278, 281-282, 323, 352,
360, 375, 379, 393, 400, 405, 409, 423, 440,
445, 453, 462, 504, 528, 538, 596, 621
Giattina Fisher, 72
Gift of Life, 383
Gilmore, Kristi, 301, 305, 310-311, 313
Girardeau, Bob, 257, 259, 262
Glackmeyer, Kevin, 45
Glassroth, Steve, 390-391, 493
Goat Hill (location), 100
Goat Hill Construction (see G.H. Construction),
ix, xv, xx, 3, 45-48, 53, 58, 72-73, 76-77, 79,
81-82, 90-101, 103-121, 123-133, 136-137,
140-141, 145, 149, 152-155, 157, 162, 173,
188, 190, 194, 198, 213, 226-227, 229-230,
273-274, 277-278, 281-282, 323, 352, 360,
375, 379, 393, 400, 405, 409, 423, 440, 445,
453, 462, 504, 528, 538, 596, 621
Goff , John, 555
“Go for It!” Roadshow, 31
Gonzales, Alberto, xxii, xxiv, 276, 517, 518, 549,
586, 592, 604
Goodreau, Jim, 30
Google, 110, 306, 546, 633
Gore, Al, 155, 278, 292, 340, 347, 349, 501, 505-506
Gorham, Robert, 263-264
Governing, 359
Governor’s Contingency Fund, 331, 352-357
GQ, 490, 581-582, 584
Graddick, Charles, 5, 15, 200, 277, 387
Grainger, Chuck, 286, 303-304, 431
Grace and Purpose Church, 475
Grafton, Carl, 25-26, 43
Gray, Bill, 160
Gray, Fred, xiii, xxi, 406, 407, 455
Greater Sardis Baptist Church, 466, 468
Greenday LLC, 270
Green, David (Ethics Commission), 318
Green, David (G.H. Construction), 95, 103
Grenier, John, 378
Grimes, Tamara, 627-628
Group One, xi, 327-329, 411
G-Tech, 86
Guiding Light Church, 394-395
Gulf Insurance, 97-98, 133
Gundlach, James, 326, 338-339, 403
Habitat for Humanity, 356
Haigler, Pat, 192
Hainen, Kristen, 469
Hall, Chris, 633
Hall, Stewart, 523-525
Hammett, Dashiell, ii
Hammett, Seth, 24
Hammonds, Helen, xi, 609
Hamrick, Paul, ix, xiii, xvii-xviii, 11-14, 18-19, 27,
38, 45, 57-58, 64-68, 70-74, 76, 85-88, 92,
94, 98, 101, 125, 135, 138, 147, 152-154,
165, 185, 195, 213-214, 218, 227, 235, 239-
242, 266, 278-279, 283, 336, 360, 375-376,
378-379, 382, 384-385, 390, 392, 400, 402,
405, 409, 411, 413, 415-417, 429, 431, 434-
439, 450, 452-455, 459-462, 511, 539, 621
Hamrick, Tatiana, 415, 461
Hanson, Eric, x, 27, 33, 36, 451
Harbor, Dennis “Blue,” 152-153, 316-320
Harper’s (see also, Horton, Scott), xii, xxv-xxvi, 219,
276, 346, 365, 485-487, 490, 493, 499, 509-
510, 521-522, 531-532, 543, 546, 553, 555,
557-559, 561-566, 568, 573, 593, 595, 597,
604, 617, 621, 626, 628
Harrelson, Lowell, 131
Harris, Elmer, 75, 312, 451-452
Harris, Pat, 143-144, 211
Hart, Angel, 31
Hart, Matt, 380, 382, 384-385
Harrod, Phil, 356
Hayes, Jim, 3, 62-63, 152, 237, 240-242
Hayes, Winston, 426
HealthSouth, x, xv, xvii, xxi, 27-33, 35-37, 41-42, 51,
136, 175, 246, 283, 301, 304-307, 309-313,
381-382, 388, 393-396, 403, 417, 420, 429-
433, 450-452, 455, 459-462, 472, 475, 480,
513, 529, 561, 563, 587, 608, 612, 623-625
HEI, 271
Heldman, Sam, 607-609
Helmsing, Fred, xiii, 403
Hendrix, Sam, xii, 456-458, 463-465, 468-469, 474-
476, 478-481, 520, 619
Helton, Ronnie, 494
Herring, Amy, 216, 383
Herrington, Tom, 92, 240
Hervey, Jason, 31
Heston, Charlton, 52, 334-335
Hill, Bob, 102
Hill, James C, 608-609
Hillman, Noel, xiii, 369, 386, 399, 533-536, 548,
592, 601
Hirashima, Koki, 25
Hitachi, 306
Hixon, John, 268
Holmes, Alvin, 3, 19 ,216
Holmes, Ralph, 13
Honda Motor Co., x, 21, 25, 43, 57-70, 72-73, 75-
77, 82, 96, 136, 140, 154-155, 162, 190, 198,
215, 227, 254, 334, 411, 420, 421, 423, 426
Honda Valkyrie, 421, 425-426
Hope, Wade, 235, 241-242
Horn, Allwin, 623-625
Horton, Scott, xii, xiii, xxv-xxvi, 211, 219-220, 222,
276, 346, 365, 485-490, 492-494, 500, 507,
509-510, 519-523, 526-536, 539-540, 542-
547, 551-566, 568-569, 572-575, 580, 582,
586, 592-597, 604-605, 607, 617, 621, 623,
625-627, 629, 631, 635
Horton, William, 563-564
Hosp, Ted, ix, xvii, 75, 77, 104, 124-126, 129, 135-
136, 138, 176, 186, 193, 195-196, 198, 200-
203, 205-206, 209, 283, 296-299, 302-305,
313-314, 352, 621
Hubbard, Mike, 492, 580
Hubbert, Paul, 11-13, 359
Hudson, Stephen, xiii, 466-471
Hunt, Guy, 12, 234, 356-357, 378, 387
Huntsville Airport Authority, 87
Huntsville Times, 199, 221, 365, 490, 532, 595
Iglesias, David, 491, 600, 603-604
Informs, 142, 146
Ingram, Ragan, 275
Inside Alabama Politics, 244
Institute for Successful Living, 381
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 131, 256, 283, 289-
290, 294-296, 299-300, 307, 311, 314, 421,
493, 503, 570, 621
Integrated Health Services, x, 36-38, 40, 306, 308,
312-313, 430-432, 452, 456, 504, 544, 570,
IPSCO, 40, 306, 308
Jackson, Bo, 31
James, Bobbie, 353
James, Fob, xii, xvi, 7, 13-15, 18, 21-23, 27, 32, 97,
146, 156, 160, 174, 186, 195, 227, 304, 312,
326, 329, 332, 333, 352, 357, 442, 445, 561, 631
James, Tim, 327
James, Susan, 512
Jackson, Jesse, 88, 93, 610
Janavicova, Jana (see Curran, Jana)
Janecky, Jack, 171
Jarrett, Valerie, 625
Jeff erson County Citizens Coalition, 381
Jim Walter Resources, 358
Johns, Adrian, 337
Johnson, Bob, xi, 348-349, 541, 615
Johnson, Carrie, 549-550
Johnson, David Cromwell, xiii, 271-272, 274-278,
281, 290-291, 295-296, 300, 307, 315-316,
321-322, 331, 350, 402
Johnson, Dean, 318
Johnson, Roy, 385
John Plott, Inc., 59
Jones, Doug, xiii, 386, 390-391, 397, 402, 546-547,
550, 569-570, 580
Jones, Eileen, xi, 455
Jones, Fred, 143, 145, 249, 287-288
Jones, Lewis, 394
Jones School of Law, 623
Jordan, Buzz
Jordan, Phillip, ix, 79, 81-81, 92, 386, 389-393,
417, 438-439
Judiciary Committee, U.S. House of Representatives,
xiv, xxiv, xxvi, 276, 277, 339, 342-344, 350, 366,
376, 381, 430, 441, 485, 489, 495-496, 498-
499, 502, 504, 516-518, 522, 524-525, 527-532,
534, 536-537, 540-542, 546-547, 549-551, 556,
563, 565, 581-582 , 588-594, 597-601, 603,
606, 610, 615, 617-618, 620, 623, 631
Juror 5 (see Stanford, Charlie)
Kanarick, Mike, 259, 265, 355
Kaplan, Rich, 575
Kardell, Lisa, 438, 452
Kassouf, David, 295
Kaufman, Sam, 113, 115
Keeney, Jack, 535
Kelly, Mark, 337
Kendrick, Gil, 264
Kennedy, Anthony, 611
Kennedy, Robert Jr. , xxi, 506
Kennedy, Susan, ix, 235-236, 241-242
Kerry, John, 574
Keystone Foundation, 224
Kilborn, Vince, xiii, 28, 84, 362, 398, 402, 405, 407-
408, 417-418, 422, 424, 426, 428, 448, 453-
454, 457, 460, 463, 465, 467, 469, 472-473,
475-476, 480, 584, 591, 598, 617-619, 628
Kimberly-Clark Corp., 306
King, Charlie, 80
King, Martin Luther Jr., xxi, 406, 455
King, Troy, 81, 399, 510
Kingdom Builders, 370, 472, 513
Kirsch, Curtis, ix, 115-116, 128, 230, 360-361, 386,
412, 507
Kittrell, Mike, 44
Koppelman, Alex, 629-630
Ku Klux Klan, xxiv-xxv, 343-345, 347-348
Kurlander, Carrie, ix, xviii, 63, 73-77, 103-104, 111-
112, 114-115, 118, 120-124, 126, 147-149,
154, 156, 159, 161-162, 168-170, 174, 179,
181, 185-187, 189-191, 194-195, 200-202,
205, 213, 251, 259, 285, 290, 296, 312, 323,
445, 621
Landfills, 82-84
Lane, Jim, xi, 329, 411-412
Langford, Larry, 622
Langer, Katie, xiii, 364, 463-465, 468-469, 474-481,
520, 619, 623
Langston, William, 378-379, 385
LaPierre, Al, 622
Leach, Art, xiii, 33-34, 395, 403, 408, 417, 454-456,
475-476, 478, 495-496, 511, 514, 570, 609
Leeburn, Donald, 306
Legal Schnauzer (See also, Roger Schuler), xii, 545-547,
555-556, 575, 591, 594, 604-606, 617, 619, 627
Leinkauf Elementary School, 4
Lembke, Matt, 339, 345
Lennox, Tim, 332
Lewis, Audry, 396
Lewis, John, 610
Lichtblau, Eric, 604
Lifemark, 29
Lindsey, Richard, 449
Lipton, Eric, 604
Lockett, John, 173
Locust Fork Journal, 343, 543, 594
Long, Bill, xiii, 272, 462
Los Angeles Times, 276, 518, 521, 566
Lowder, Bobby, 246, 333
Lowell, Abbe, 414
Lowenstein, Allard, 5
Lowndes County (landfi ll plan), 80, 82, 84-85, 88, 90-
91, 93, 94, 103, 107, 238-239, 392
Lowery, Joseph, 610
Lowry, Bob, 464
Lucido & Oliver, 110, 112, 128
Lugar, Lex, 31
Ludwig, Stacy, 384
Luskin, Robert, 550, 575, 589-590, 601
Lynch, Caroline, 522, 541
Mabry, Henry, ix, 53, 62, 75-76, 100, 118-121, 138,
141-144, 157, 186, 191-192, 209, 216-218,
267, 322, 377, 439-440
Maddow, Rachel, 507, 584
Malinowski, Marie, 633
Manning, Wallace, 8
Marcato, Forrest “Mac,” 441, 446-450, 462
Marcato, Nancy, 447
Marion County, 152-153, 227, 317
Marshall Durbin, 324
Marshall, Kenneth “Maze,” 415, 607
Marshall, Mike, xi, xvi, 138, 151, 185, 187, 189-192,
195-196, 205, 208, 212, 219, 231, 306, 630, 633
Martin, Alice, xiii, xxiii, 342, 380, 386, 390, 391,
392, 394, 498, 500, 508, 533, 578, 579, 593
Martin, Bob, 553-556, 565, 567
Martin, Charles, 13
Martin, George, 282
Martin, Mike, x, 35-37, 382, 431, 612
Martin, Tamara, 587
Master Settlement, 58, 166, 178, 315, 316
Matrix Group, xi, 87, 154, 219, 223-225, 230, 252,
268, 336, 461, 621
Matthews, Miller, 242
Maxwell, John, 378
Maynard, Cooper & Gale, 120, 125, 296, 621, 634
McCain, John, 510, 610
McDowell, Knight, Roedder & Sledge, 194
McKee, Brian, 389
McWhorter, Patrick, 510
McAliley, Gary, 526
McInnis Corp., 19-20
McClain, Yolanda, 506-507
McCollough, Kelley “Kitty,” 602, 605
McCullars, Howard, 260
McDonald, David, xiii, 405, 407-408, 412, 421-424,
426, 460-461, 467-469, 472-473, 475, 479, 516
McDonald, Matt, 605
McDonald, Sid, 605
McElroy, Gary, 633
McGahan, Bill, x, 35-36, 431, 612
McGregor, Milton, xii, 87, 412
McKnight, David, xiii, 443, 451, 453, 456
McLain, E.B., 397
Medicaid, xi, 25, 163, 313, 375-377, 379, 383
Mercedes-Benz, 59-61, 63-67, 75-78, 155, 173, 191-
192, 198, 227, 259, 334
Merchant Capital, 94
Mercer, John David, 52
Merlin, 89, 284, 355, 633
Merrill Lynch, 267-268
Miers, Harriett, 590, 604
Miles, Pam, 594
Miller, Hamilton, Snider & Odom, 38, 293
Miller, Jack, x, 38, 293, 301, 333, 354, 388, 416, 427
Miller, Lee, 633
Miller, Mark Crispin, 338
Millican, Michael, 153
Miller Hamilton Snider & Odom, 38, 293
Miller, Tommie, 247
Mims, Keith “Tack,” x, 59, 65, 96, 411, 412
Mincberg, Elliot, 600-603
Minor, Paul, 547, 617-618
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, 510
Mitchell, Garry, 634
Mitchell, Joseph, 75
Mobile Register (also Press-Register), xi, xv-xviii, xxvi, 13,
18, 42-44, 47-48, 52, 57, 63, 67, 69, 71, 87,
100, 112, 115-116, 119-121, 124, 129, 132,
135, 137, 146, 154, 160, 167-168, 171, 176,
180, 184, 190-191, 193, 197-199, 202, 207-208,
210-212, 220-222, 225-226, 230-231, 237, 244,
248-249, 253, 258, 265, 279, 286, 289-290,
293-294, 296, 300, 303-304, 309, 327-328, 332-
333, 355, 364-366, 371, 405, 410, 485, 488,
501, 523, 529, 531-532, 554, 556-557, 592,
594-597, 600, 604, 630, 633-635
Montgomery Advertiser, 197, 221, 270-271, 294,331,
333, 352, 355, 415, 464-465, 468, 478, 487
Montgomery Aviation, 9-10
Montgomery Downtown Development Authority,
104, 113
Montgomery Independent, xii, 346, 553-559, 562,
564-565, 567
Moody, Brad, 39, 227
Moore, Johnny, 20
Moore, Mike, 163
Motley, Ron, 163-164, 166
Moore, Roy, 22, 326, 399, 401, 419, 492, 530
Moore, Scott, 394
Morris, Brenda, 618-619
Moulton, Gordon, x, 167, 218
MSNBC, xii, 365, 505-508, 510, 528, 566, 573-
574, 581, 584-585, 588
Mukasey, Michael, 593
Mullins, Ed, 196, 207-208
Murphy High School, 4, 353
Murphy, Leif, 36
Murphy, Matt, 579
Murray, Jim, xiii
Myers, Steve, 633
MySpace, 463, 520
NASCAR, 31, 85, 438, 454
Naff , Leslie Curran 246, 258, 634
National Association of Attorneys General, or
NAAG, xiv, 164, 324, 518-519, 526, 626-627
National Coalition for Black Voter Participation, 416
National Domestic Preparedness University, 330
National Rifl e Association (NRA), 52, 334-335
Neighborhood Health Services, 377, 379
Nelson, Douglas, 267-268
Nelson, Edwin, 379
Nereus Corp., 71
Nesbitt, Charles, 50
Ness Motley, 163, 166, 178
Netroots Nation, 544, 625
Nevin, Charles, 278
Newell Roadbuilders, 78
Newhouse (Also, Advance Publications), 194, 211-
212, 219-221, 485, 488, 532, 543, 594-596
New Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, 466
Newton, Demetrius, 340
New York Times, xii, xxi, xxiii, xxvi, 60, 183, 190, 199-
200, 203, 221, 275-276, 280, 326, 338-339,
342, 348-350, 365, 368, 381, 420, 429, 473,
492, 494, 496, 498-504, 508, 510-511, 513,
516-517, 521-522, 527-528, 532, 537, 541-
543, 547, 549-550, 552-553, 556, 566, 570,
573-575, 578, 582, 585-586, 592-593, 595,
603-604, 606, 609, 614-615, 617-620, 625-635
Nexis, 355, 501, 530, 577, 633
Nichols, John, 82, 91
Nicholls, Keith, 531
Nichols Research Corp., 217-219
Nicrosi, Michel, xiii, 417
Noe, Tom, 548
Nolin, Andrew, ix, 116, 117, 130-131, 272, 281-282
Norquist, Grover, 359
North Alabamians for Media Reform, 485, 594
Nossiter, Adam, xii, 368, 473, 505, 513, 541, 543, 549,
585-586, 593, 607, 609, 614-615, 627, 641
Nunnelley, Carol, 207-9, 220
Nu-Skin, 170
Oakdale (federal prison), 516, 584
Oak Hill Capital Partners, 573-574
Obama, Barack, xiii, 591, 631, 625
Olbermann, Keith, 574
Old Cloverdale Association, 261
Olney, Warren, 544
Omukubah, Bernard, 513
Operation Public Servants, 18-19
Operation Bingo, 25
Oracle, 306
Orndorff , Mary, 508, 510, 541
Owen, Sallie, 118, 399, 633
Owens, Bill, 396
Pacer, 89, 217, 254, 633
Parks, Rosa, 406
Parsons, Bobby Jo, 233-234
Parsons, James, 233-234
Patterson, Albert, 487
Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler, 487
Pearce Family Investments LLC, 245-6, 248-249, 259, 261
Pearce, J. Wray, xi, 50, 244-259, 262, 264-265, 331
Pelley, Scott, xii, 279, 367, 568-572, 575-581, 583, 588
Peoples, Benny, 269
Perdue, Myron, 109, 633
Perkins, Giles, 38, 293
Perkins, Joe, xi, 154, 219, 223-225, 230, 252, 268,
270, 336, 621
Perlmutter, Ed, 600
Perrine, J.B., xii, 437
Peters, Chris, x, 53, 159, 164, 171, 173-174, 176-
180, 186, 321-322, 485-486
Peters, Th omas Minott, 485
Pettagrue, Samuel, 397
Petranka, Joe, 261
Philip Morris, 163, 166
Pickett, Taylor, 36, 313
Pilger, Richard, xii, 508
Pitt, Redding, x, xiii, 11, 278, 291-294, 301-304, 387
Pitts, Chris, 88, 103, 126
Platinum Club, 417, 437
Pohost, Gerald, 231
Pool, James, 296-299, 304, 309
Pool, Sybil, 6
Poole, Phil, 379, 443-444
Poovey, Bill, 38, 39, 152, 153, 221
Porch Creek Indians, 510
Powe, Skip, 70
Poynter Institute, 139
Prather, David, 532
Press-Register (See Mobile Register)
Price, Charles, 159, 166
Pridgen, Dwight, 19
Pringle, Chris, 138
Project One, 394
Parkman, Jim, 396, 414
Provident Group Inc., 270
Pryor, Bill, xii, 86, 92, 120, 124-6, 130, 163, 165-166,
177, 272-274, 278, 282, 302, 307, 314, 316,
339, 361, 379, 382, 423, 518, 537-540, 545, 600
Public Integrity Section, xii-xiii, 361, 369, 386, 399,
533-535, 546, 548
Pugh, Mark, 96
Pylant, Stan, 573574
Quality Research, 140, 142-146, 149,150, 156-157,
191, 216
quid pro quo, 429-431
Rabb, Willie, 633
Rabbi Yonah’s blog, 626
Raby, Steve, 231
RaCON, 60-61, 63, 78
RainLine, xi, 393, 400, 441, 443, 445-450, 460,
462, 511
Ramos, Ignacio, 629
Rase, Kathy, 470
Rawls, Phil, xi, 60, 161, 168-169, 174, 181, 206,
224, 227, 229, 323, 334, 357, 388, 391, 409,
443-444, 596
Raw Story, 545-546, 562-563, 566, 580, 626
Ray, Alston, 288
Raymond James & Associates, 357
Reed, Joe, 398
Reed, Ralph, 510
Reese, Gene, 282
Reeves, Archie, 194
Reilly, Sean, 42, 633
Richard M. Scrushy Foundation, 394
"Rich Man's Dream," 31
Rick Renzi, 548
RICO (Also, the Rackateer Infl uenced Criminal
Organization Act), 400, 429, 434-436, 462, 513
Riley, Bob
Riley, Rob, xiv, 326, 343-349, 494, 498, 502, 523-
529, 531, 533, 535, 541, 546, 571-572, 592
Ring of Fire,” xxi, 506
Robbins, Tony, 354
Roberts, Yolanda, 171
Roberts, Mack, ix, xi, xiii, xvii, xix, 12, 21-22, 25, 51,
60-67, 70, 74-75, 87, 143, 154, 157, 400, 409,
412-413, 415, 441-451, 453-454, 459, 511
Roden, Mark, 494
Roe, Medford, 634
Roberts, Jeff , 51, 367
Rogers, Nell, 510
Rogow, Bruce, 607-608
Rojeski, Judi, 633
Romano, Alex, 607
Rosenthal, Andrew, xii, 503-504, 619
Roth, Toby, 345, 509-510, 578, 602-603
Roth, Zachary, 617
Rowell, James “Jimmy,” 142-145, 218
Rowland, John, 547
Rove, Karl, ii, xi-xiv, xxiii-xxv, 220, 276, 338, 342,
346-351, 359, 365-367, 369, 386, 390, 418,
420, 485, 487-488, 490, 492, 494-497, 499-500,
502-509, 512, 515, 517-518, 520-521, 523, 525,
530, 532-537, 540, 542, 545-546, 548-552, 557-
560, 566-569, 571-578, 580-592, 597-606, 610,
617, 620-621, 625, 630, 634
Ryan, George, 547
Salon, 629-630
Sanchez, John, 599
Sandler, Joseph, 522
Sanzo, John, 436-437
Sato, Kiichiro, 371
Sawyer, Alfred, 195
Sawyer Brown, 30
Scanlon, Michael, 510
Schuler, Roger, xii, 545-546
Schulz, Eric, 365
Schrenk, Jeb, xi, 167-168, 194, 202-205, 633
Schwartz, John, 615. 628
Scott, John, 361
Scrushy, Leslie, 30, 362, 395, 414, 451, 460, 515,
607, 623, 625
Scrushy, Richard, x, xiii, xv, xvii, xx-xxii, xxiv, 12, 27-
37, 40-42, 51, 58, 136, 162, 175, 223, 246, 279,
283, 286, 300-301, 304-305, 311-313, 345, 360,
362, 364, 368, 370, 381-382, 387-388, 393-397,
400, 403-406, 408, 412-414, 417-418, 425, 429-
434, 450-452, 455-461, 463-467, 469-473, 475-
476, 479-482, 494-497, 499, 503-504, 511-516,
519-520, 523-524, 529, 532, 543-544, 553, 555,
560-561, 569-570, 586-588, 591-592, 607-609,
611-617, 619, 623-626, 628-629, 631
“Scrushy Trial with Nikki Preede, Th e,” 395
Scruggs, Richard “Dickie,” 163-164, 166, 178, 315
SCT Software & Resource Management Corp., 40,
306, 308
Secrest, Alan, 27, 39
Segall, Bobby, x, 178, 306-307, 321, 349, 383, 424-
425, 501, 512, 613
Sellers, Margie, 37
Seroyer, Jesse, 516
Sessions, Jeff , xxii, 86, 163, 165, 274, 387, 518, 537-
540, 562, 592
Shaw, Debbie, xii, 567, 585
Shehane, Miriam, 269
Shelby, Richard, 7-8, 12-13, 288
Shelton State Community College, 378
Shenon, Philip, 541
Sheridan, Danny, 5
Sherlock Smith & Adams, ix, 96-99, 106, 108, 111-
112, 116-117, 127, 131, 272, 281
Sherrod, Blake, 71, 73
Sherrod Construction, 58, 67, 70-73, 74, 82, 101, 107
Shuttlesworth, Fred, 512
Simon, Jim, 111
Simpson, Dana Jill, xii, xiv, xxii-xxv, 51, 161, 275-
277, 279-280, 335, 338, 341-350, 365, 376,
390, 397, 418, 420, 429, 441, 475, 485, 487,
489-503, 505, 507-512, 516-519, 521-529,
531, 533-537, 540-543, 545-546, 548-556,
558, 560, 563, 567-573, 575-578, 580-586,
588-589, 592, 594-595, 597-599, 601, 604,
606, 615, 619-620, 623, 625-629, 634
Siegelman, Andrea, 4
Siegelman, Dana, 24, 44, 226, 505, 546
Siegelman, Don, ix-xiv, xv-xxvi; 44-45, 49-53; 147-155,
155; 220-223; 226, 351, 357-359, 362-371,
464, 467, 475, 479, 635; early years, 3-6; early
political career 6-11; 1990 governor's race 13;
as lieutenant governor, 14-15; 1998 election/fi rst
year as governor, 21-26; the lottery referendum,
27-28, 32-43; Honda, Mercedes and Sherrod
Construction, 57-58; 63-67, 71-75; Lanny
Young/G.H. Construction/Waste Management,
84-88, 92-94, 96, 100-101, 119-127, 132,
134, 233-237, 239-243; computer contracts,
140-146, 213; 327-329; administration's feud
with author/Mobile Register, 190-210; sale of
house and Lanny Vines, 244-265; dealings with
Trava Williams/AFS Equities, 266-271; and
secret rebirth of lottery foundation, 283-315;
and legal fees, 159-183, 186, 188; 315-316,
320-325; 2002 governor's race, 326-327, 329-
341; governor's contingency fund, 351-357;
Bobo case, 375-380, 382-386; investigation of,
272-282; 359, 386-288, 390-392; 397-403;
2006 governor's race, 398-399, 401, 417-419;
trial of, 405-429, 431-462; sentencing, 511-
516; accusations against Republicans of political
persecution and relations with national media,
342-350, 485. 490, 492, 495, 499-511. 516-
521, 523. 526-535, 537-551; 554-561, 563,
566-575, 579-586, 588-606, 610, 616, 621;
625-629; appeal, 607-616.
Siegelman, Joseph, 226, 426-427, 546
Siegelman, Les (brother) , 4, 71, 73, 92, 330
Siegelman, Leslie Bouchet (father), 4
Siegelman, Lori Allen, 6, 8, 42, 44, 86, 226, 244,
257, 354-356, 363, 406, 416
Simpler, Fred, ix, 126, 129-133
Sinclair’s, 106, 108, 130, 137, 138, 437, 461
“60 Minutes,” xii, xiv, xxiii, 162, 276, 279, 281-282,
338, 365, 367-368, 375, 390, 420, 485, 492,
496, 508, 515, 549, 556, 560, 566-580, 582-
583, 585-586, 588, 591, 593, 594, 603, 606,
620, 625, 626
Sizemore, Jim, 238
Skelton, Loree, 32-33, 388, 432-434, 612
Skillsutor.com, 307
Slate Kennedy LLC, 241
Slate, Pam, 241
Sledge, Ed,125, 194,196, 198, 409-410
SmartCOP Inc., 214-215, 227
Smith, Brenda, 287
Smith, Lamar, 542
Smith, Lynwood, 380
Smith, Suzanne, 100, 136, 137
Solutions Inc., 92
Somerville, John, 624
Sorenson, Andrew, 379
Southern LINC, 217
Southern Political Reporter, 602, 604
Southern Poverty Law Center, xii, 503
Special Services Group, 19
Stanford, Alice, 466-471
Stanford, Charlie (Also, Juror 5), xiii, 370, 465-474,
Statehouse Inn, 135
Stemler, Patty, 618-619
Sterne Agee & Leach, xi, 266-269, 283-289, 291,
299, 302, 416
Stevens, Ted, 548, 607, 616-619
Stewart, Bill, 228, 349
Sullivan, Emmet, 616
Sumner, Jim, x, 165, 188, 205-206, 319-321, 323
Swatek, Dax, 510
Sznajderman, Michael, 24-25
Talking Points Memo (Also, TPM), 544, 617. 626
Talladega Superspeedway, 85, 397, 438
Tapscott, Gregory, 262-265
Taylor, Macey, 624
Taylor, Sara, 602
Teague, Doris, 192
Teague, John, 20
Tech Providers, 216, 219
Tedesco, Kevin, 583
3rd Faze, 31, 623-624
Thomas, Paul, 80-81, 389, 417
Thompson, Georgia, 547
Thompson, Myron, 389, 403, 555
Thornburgh, Richard, 547
3M, 86-87
Till, Paul, 307-309, 312
Time, xii, xxii-xxiii, xxv, 338, 342, 348-350, 359, 365,
368, 420, 492, 494, 496, 498-499, 501-503,
507-508, 510, 521, 527-528, 530-531, 537-543,
552-553, 556, 566, 570, 593, 603, 626-627
Timmons, Bobby, 172
Tiner, Stan, 211-212
Tjofl at, Gerald, 608-609
Todd, A.W., 13, 14
Torbert, C.C. “Bo” Jr., 119-120, 122-124, 126, 278
“To Th e Point,” 544
TPM Muckracker, 617
Trillion Communications, 213
Trinity Life Church, 394
Tucker, Cynthia, 579
Turnham, Joe, 574
Tuscaloosa News,60, 399, 543
21st Century Authority, 58-59, 62, 67, 75
UBS Warburg, x, xiv, xxix, 35-36, 430-431, 452,
456, 504
U.S. Attorneys Scandal, 490-492, 600
U.S. House Judiciary Committee, xiv, xxiv, xxvi,
276-277, 339, 342-344, 350, 366, 376, 381,
430, 441, 485, 489, 495-496, 498-499, 502,
504, 516-518, 522, 524-525, 527-532, 534,
536-537, 540-542, 546-547, 549-551, 556,
563, 565, 581-582, 588-594, 597-601, 603,
606, 610, 615, 617-618, 620, 623, 631
U.S. House Judiciary Committee Report on Selective
Prosecution, 339, 441, 485, 518, 528-529,
534, 546, 556, 563, 565, 592, 598, 600, 623
Selective prosecution scandal, xii, xxiii, 276, 339,
499-500, 516, 518, 528-529, 534, 537-540,
546, 556, 563, 598, 600, 617, 623
University of Alabama, 4, 13, 142, 155, 165, 196,
200, 207, 228, 253, 346, 349, 377, 379, 447-
448, 492, 525, 605
University of South Alabama, x, 18, 53, 165-167
United States Supreme Court, 349, 384, 477, 518,
611, 616, 626
McCormick (Also, USA v. McCormick) 611
Evans (Also, USA v. Evans), 611
U.S. Supreme Court, 349, 384, 477, 518, 603, 605,
611, 616, 621, 626, 628
Vance, Helen, 512
Vance, Robert, 512
Vaughan, Roland, ix, 96-98, 100, 104-108, 111-112,
114-117, 122, 126-128, 130-131, 227, 230,
272-273, 280-282, 382, 440
Ventura, Jesse, 199
Viele-Davidson, Laurence, xii
“Viewpoint,” 395
Vines, Lanny, x, xi, 14, 50, 244, 253-265, 279, 331,
338, 401
Virgin Islands, 293, 354, 356, 427
Voss, Sarah, 236-237, 239
Vukmanic, Don, 69
Waggoner, Jabo, 32-33, 136-137, 432, 451
Wallace, George, xix, 7, 22, 233-234, 288
Wallace, Gerald, 233
Walley, Dale, 377
Walston, Wells, Anderson & Bains, 92, 165, 237-
238, 241, 242
Ward, Audie, 427
Ward, Jasper, 104, 341
Ward, Joann, 633
- 658 -
Ward Motor Sales, 427
Washington & Lee University, 16, 634
Washington Post, 338, 414, 505, 549-550
Waste Management, ix, xvii-xviii, 7, 79-84, 87-88,
90-93, 233-242, 279, 306, 351, 360-361,
389, 392, 420, 435-436, 438-439, 449, 452,
539, 596
Watkins, Donald, 335, 395, 587
Wecht, Cyril, 547
Welch, William, 618-619
Weller, Julia, 361, 368
Wells, Vernon, 238
“Wrath of Injustice,” 512
Wilder, June, 249
Whetsone, David
White, Mark, 257, 386
Whiddon, Fred, 166-167
Whitmire, Kyle, xii, 45, 48, 362, 369, 395, 511, 624
Williams, Rick, 171
Williams, Trava, xi, 65, 254, 266-271, 273, 284, 411
Wilson, Glyn (see also, Locust Fork Journal), 343,
543, 594
Wikipedia, 625-626
WHNT (Huntsville), 572-575
Windom, Steve, xii, 23-24, 57, 66, 124-125, 156,
175, 184, 187-189, 227-229, 273, 275, 277,
278, 280, 282-83, 326-327, 345, 347, 357,
Winston, Charles, xiii, 370, 466-468, 470-474, 480,
Winston, Debra, xiii, 466-473, 475, 480, 482, 520
Woodall, Leonard, 392
Woodham, F. Eugene, 286-287
Woods, Grant, xiv, 164, 354, 375, 515, 517-518,
569-572, 575, 580, 591-592, 618
Woods, Keith, 139
World Outreach Ministries, 394
Worldwide Travel, 282
Yearout, Gusty, 258
Young, Lanny, ix, xvii, xix, 7, 11, 14, 45, 58, 65, 79-
82, 84-101, 103-110, 120, 122-3
125-130, 133-134, 148-149, 153-4, 162, 181, 189,
227, 229-230, 233, 235-243, 278-280, 306,
331, 351, 359-361, 363, 375, 379, 382, 386,
389-393, 400-401, 405, 409-412, 415-417,
420-424, 426-429, 431, 434-440, 452, 454-
455, 460, 462, 493, 504, 507, 537-540, 596,
613, 614, 621
Young Motorsports LLC, 85
Zagorin, Adam, xii, xxiii, 276, 503, 537-540, 593,
Zeigler, Jim, x, xviii, 180, 199-206, 227, 252
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